Identify Key ETF & Equity Insights
How RIAs and Institutions are currently investing is critical for sales professionals.
RIA Database captures all security holdings data on a quarterly basis, maps it to each RIA firm and makes it searchable and downloadable alongside key contact information.
RIA Database users can target RIA firms by:
Ticker: Pinpoint RIAs holding a specific ticker or multiple tickers simultaneously
Provider: Identify RIAs holding your ETFs or ETFs from a competitive provider
Sector: Gain access into how RIAs are leveraging ETFs & Equities in their portfolio
RIA ETF Users Tracked
ETF Tickers
Stocks, REITs, and ADRs
ETF Assets Tracked
ETF Issuers
Sample Fields Include:
- Total ETF Assets
- Historical ETF Assets
- Total Equity Assets
- Historical Equity Assets
- Mutual funds, SMA or Fixed Income Assets
- Current Market Value
- Current Quarter Shares
- Previous Quarter Shares
- Top Holdings by Firm
- Top Sectors by Firm
- Top ETF providers by firm
- ETF Buyers – Asset Managers
- ETF Buyers – Wealth Managers
- ETF Analyze Feature